All Things Energy Blog

Rosanne posts her teachings and observations in this section of We Are Energy. Enjoy her wisdom and learn from her years of study and practice.

the big bang that started the universe

Are We Like the Universe?

I was watching a Discovery Channel program about the Universe.  The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation for how the universe began.  The universe started with an infinitely hot and dense single point that inflated and stretched over the next 13.7 billion years to the still-expanding cosmos of today. There are apparently two forces…

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barren tree in a snowy landscape

Easily Letting Go

The image of Mary holding the crucified body of her Son is a riveting metaphor. The Pieta sculpture is mesmerizing because it represents the ability to love that which appears hopelessly damaged. But the other side of the coin is Life Everlasting in the Resurrection. I was thinking about our fragility and how worthy of…

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woman sitting on the dock at a lake

Sitting With Our Fears

As many of you are, I am a seeker of Truth as It expresses Itself in this world we mistakenly call reality. That was a mouthful! What I know from studies in psychology and spiritual study is that layers of what we think we know, what we think is “me” gradually peel off and leave…

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disgruntled traveler sitting on the steps and talking on his phone

The Quality of Effort

If you are like me, you’ve noticed that there are many service failures in our travels these days. On line, during phone interactions and during our shopping experiences it feels like great service is harder to come by. As the pace of life increases, especially in the northeast US, attention to detail is diminished. We…

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open door set in a field

Explore Another Door

After years of life in my own Earth Suit, and watching other people navigate… I’ve come to the conclusion that we’d rather believe we’re right than give up unproductive behavior. We try everything, every twist and turn to prove that we’re right, and we pay a high price for our stubbornness. We knock on locked…

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Praying Mantis

Mystery Abounds

There is nothing new in the world, just the echo of wisdom stated and restated in a variety of traditions and languages. What is there about our thinking brains that prevents us from yielding to truths greater than those known in our very small, individual lives? No doubt that what we see and hear enters…

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