Our species started out as roamers. Our ancient ancestors moved with the seasons, finding fertile areas to hunt and gather. Later, we evolved into agrarians, planting crops, tending them, and harvesting the fruits of our labor. Bred into our ancient DNA is the need to process, rest and go within. The rhythms were natural, and the rates of change were predictable and tolerable.
As industry and technology entered human experience, things sped up. There were no longer the seasons to guide the rates of change experienced in one lifetime. Life became unfamiliar at an accelerated rate. This may be why many of us are resistant to change and experience anxiety at the accelerating rates at which change is occurring.
Time is a measurement of motion.
The world spins one revolution every twenty-four hours. The solar system dictates the definition of time depending on our distance from the sun. These are limitations dictated by the physical, three-dimensional world. Is there a way to define our lives in a more universal way?
It seems that the advanced spiritual teachers have evolved to a state of Universal Consciousness, not limited by time. All faiths join in belief that there is an observational platform, not limited by time as we know it. As life in time and space becomes less livable due to rapid change, maybe we are being invited to the place of observation?
Look at the to-do list you have for today and the rest of the week. Is it overstuffed? What is guiding so much packed into limited time? Who is all of it serving? Is there a higher mission that our preoccupations are obscuring? If our purpose is to transcend what appears to be limiting, realizing this can take us to a place where there is no limitation.
This would be the ultimate life of transformation.
With love, Rosanne